Lead accumulation in White-Mangrove, Avicenniaalba (Blume), inhabiting densely industrial area of East Java, Indonesia

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Lead accumulation in White-Mangrove, Avicenniaalba (Blume), inhabiting densely industrial area of East Java, Indonesia

S. Wilujeng, B.Yanuwiadi, D. Arfiati, Soemarno
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 5), 319-325, May 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Coastal area of East Java Sea has long been threatened by industrial source pollution, mangrove conversion into shrimp culture, over fishing, destructive fishing, sedimentation, and coastal settlement. Heavy-metal is probably the most threat that directly influencing human health. This study was carried out in two coastal areas considered central to the threat, Kedawang and GunungAnyar. Lead concentration was measured in the water, sediments, and white-mangrove, Avicenniaalba. It showed that heavy-metal has been accumulated in the sediments. Root of mangrove tree can up take and bio-concentrating this lead heavy metal up to 5.74 mg kg-1 dry weight. The concentration in the leaves and seeds were significantly lower as it frequently exuviate, drop down, and regenerated. This metal concentration was higher than the allowable concentration (Ministerial Decree of State Environment No. 51 year 2004). Measures have to be taken in order to maintain coastal area healthy for human population.


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