Lead biosorption by resting cells of Bacillus cereus

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Research Paper 01/03/2012
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Lead biosorption by resting cells of Bacillus cereus

Shruti Murthy, Geetha Bali, SK Sarangi
Int. J. Biosci.2( 3), 81-87, March 2012.
Certificate: IJB 2012 [Generate Certificate]


A study on the lead biosorption by resting cells of lead resistant bacteria, isolated from industrial effluents, was carried out to ascertain their biosorption capacities. The strain showing highest MIC (minimum inhibition concentration) for lead was selected for the study and identified as Bacillus cereus. Lead biosorption studies on Bacillus cereus pretreated with physical (heat and oven dried) and chemical (Sodium azide) methods showedimproved lead biosorption with the exception of heat treatment in comparison to live biomass. Among the pretreatment methods, azide treatment showed maximum lead biosorption followed by oven drying and heat treatment. The lead biosorption capacity of Bacillus cereus can be exploited for the bioremediation of heavy metal contaminated industrial effluents.


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