Leaf rust of teak caused by Olivea tectonae in Bangladesh and its control

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Leaf rust of teak caused by Olivea tectonae in Bangladesh and its control

M. Ahsanur Rahman, Md. Junayed
Int. J. Biosci.16( 2), 541-550, February 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Teak leaf rust caused by Olivea tectonae is a serious disease in all teak growing areas of Bangladesh. In this region this rust was found in abundance and severely affects the leaves of teak plants and damages the activity of leaves. In this context, a survey was conducted to assess the teak rust disease incidence in four Thana of Chattogram and one Thana of Faridpur district of Bangladesh since 2017-2018. During the survey, the highest disease incidence (85 %) were recorded at Badarpur, Faridpur sadar Thana, Faridpur District and the lowest (65 %) were recorded at Fatikchari Thana, Chattogram district. Throughout the observation time, pustules of orange yellow color urediospores appeared profusely on the under surface of matured leaves especially on the adaxial surface near the mid rib leaf. Later the infected leaves dry up and appear burned, with severe to complete defoliation of young trees in 20-30 days from the onset of symptoms. Developed fungus was identified as O. tectonae. Pathoginicity test confirmed efficiency of O. tectonae to induce typical symptoms on teak plant. According to the available literature, this is the first record of leaf rust on teak in Bangladesh under natural infection in the field. Photoperiod and temperature experiments indicated better germination of uredospore in the dark at 22 – 26 °C. The maximum uredospore germination (65.53 %) was observed at 95 percent RH and at 65 percent RH no germination (0%) was observed. On testing the fungicides effectiveness some chemicals showed in some cases the inhibiting of uredospores germination. Diathene-M 45 showed the highest conidial inhibition % and Thiovit showed the lowest conidial inhibition percentages (21.38 %). Finally, it can be concluded that teak leaf rust caused by O. tectonae is a severe disease in all teak growing areas of Bangladesh that causes serious damages of teak plants. It is the first time detected in Bangladesh. A certain fungicides were effective in suppressing uredospore germination of O. tectonae under laboratory conditions. Field trials should be undertaken using chemicals which are effective and economical. So, this work may encourage other workers to study these diseases and their proper management.


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