Length-weight relationship and condition factor of Japanese Weather Loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, Cantor, 1842) in selected Municipalities of Mountain Province, Philippines

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Research Paper 09/08/2023
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Length-weight relationship and condition factor of Japanese Weather Loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, Cantor, 1842) in selected Municipalities of Mountain Province, Philippines

Remilyn B. Lausan, Cristalene L. Banno, Maejoy M. Guisoben, April Joy M. Wangdali, Shara Mae P. Puh-hay
J. Bio. Env. Sci.23( 2), 89-101, August 2023.
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The length-weight relationship and condition factor of fishes is a great importance in fishery assessment studies since it provides information about their growth, general wellbeing and fitness in their habitat. This study was conducted to determine the sex ratio, length-weight relationship, condition factor and size distribution of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (Japanese weather loach) collected in selected municipalities of Mountain Province. A total of 308 M. anguillicaudatus from December 2022 to February 2023 were studied. There were 124 males and 184 females. Female loach dominated the male (1:1.48) with 5.99 level of significance. Length-weight relationships of male M angillicaudatus showed negative allometry (W=1.11 L 2.48) indicating that length increases faster than weight. Female also showed negative allometry (W=0.16 L 2.48) Combined sex showed negative allometry with value of W=0.12 L 2.72 Combined data from the three stations revealed that females have higher K value than males with a mean K value of 0.43 in males and 0.46 in females. Size distribution analysis showed that female loaches have 7-8cm in length ranging from 8-9cm and a common weight of 4-5 grams. Meanwhile, male loaches have 7-8cm in length and 1-2 grams in weight. Tus female loaches are longer and heavier than male loaches.


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