Lipid profile and systemic inflammation, their responses to acute cycling in obese men

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Research Paper 01/06/2012
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Lipid profile and systemic inflammation, their responses to acute cycling in obese men

Ahmadi Pezhman, Torabi Mohsen, Aran Ardabili Akbar, Aghazadeh Javad
J. Bio. Env. Sci.2( 6), 67-72, June 2012.
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Obesity is known to be associated with low-grade inflammation and insulin resistance. To evaluate of C-reactive protein fat profile markers in response to acute exercise test, these variables were measured before and after a short-time cycling test in nineteen sedentarily obese male subjects aged 35-44 years that participated by accidentally in study. Student’s paired ‘t’ test was applied to compare the pre and post training values. Serum CRP, triglyceride, total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein showed no significant changes by cycling exercise in studied subjects (P≥0.05). A significant increase were observed in high density lipoprotein in response to cycling test (p=0.021). Although cycling exercise for short time is associated with improved high density lipoprotein, but this exercise test can not improve lipid profile parameters and systemic inflammation immediately after test in obese men.


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