Livelihood status and vulnerabilities of small scale Fishermen around the Padma River of Rajshahi District

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Research Paper 01/04/2021
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Livelihood status and vulnerabilities of small scale Fishermen around the Padma River of Rajshahi District

Rubaiya Pervin, Mousumi Sarker Chhanda, Sabina Yeasmin, Kaniz Fatema, Nipa Gupta
Int. J. Biosci.18( 4), 164-172, April 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The investigation was conducted on the livelihood status of small scale fishermen around the Padma river in Rajshahi district from July 2016 to February 2017. Hundred fishermen were surveyed randomly with a structured questionnaire. The livelihood status of fishermen was studied in terms of age, family, occupation, education, housing and health condition, credit and income. It was found that most of the fishermen were belonged to the age groups of 20-35 years (50%) represented by 85% Muslims. Majority of them (62%) lived in joint family and average household size was 6-7 people. Educational status revealed that 66% were illiterate. Fishermen houses were found to be of two types namely semi-constructed and unconstructed and among them 77% houses were connected with electricity. About 85% fishermen were landless represented by 95% rearing livestock. Regarding health and sanitation 85% fishermen used sanitary latrines. About 83% fishermen were solely depends on fishing and annual income of 50% fishermen was 50,000 to 60,000 TK. while 76% fishermen received loan. It could be concluded that fishermen around the Padma river were mostly illiterate, lack of training exposure, lack of awareness about fishing method. However, they need more and more institutional, technical and organizational support for the betterment of their socio-economic condition and sustainable livelihood.


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