Low cost alternatives for micro propagation of Moringa (Moringa stenopetala L.)

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Research Paper 05/08/2023
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Low cost alternatives for micro propagation of Moringa (Moringa stenopetala L.)

Endris Said, Temesgen Menamo, Gizachew Haile
Int. J. Biosci.23( 2), 157-163, August 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Moringa (Moringa stenopetala) is widely cultivated in southern Ethiopia for its nutrition and medicinal value. Micro propagation to preserve the plant becomes costly due to the tissue culture media cost. The aim of the study was to evaluate low cost alternative media components for micro propagation of Moringa (Moringa stenopetala). Enset starch as gelling agent and table sugar as a carbon source were used as a low cost alternative media components for moringa culture initiation and multiplication using shoot tip. The highest mean numbers of shoots per explants (6.94±0.26), shoot length (4.88±0.16cm) and leaf number (17.07±0.86) were obtained in media containing 80g/l enset starch as an alternative gelling agent. The response of the explant for 30g/l sucrose and table sugar were not significantly different. Utilization of enset starch as gelling agent reduced the gelling agent cost by 70% while table sugar reduced sucrose cost by 95%. The micro propagation rates under the experimental conditions using the low cost media alternative were equal to or higher than the conventional media components. Therefore, the obtained result can be used in commercial micropropagation of moringa. However, studies on transparency of enset starch gel at higher concentration could be explored for wider application in tissue culture laboratories.


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