Macroinvertebrates as bio-indicator of water quality in Estuaries

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Research Paper 15/07/2022
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Macroinvertebrates as bio-indicator of water quality in Estuaries

Ma Dulce C. Guillena
J. Bio. Env. Sci.21( 1), 146-151, July 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Anthropogenic activities are increasingly impacting the biological, physical, and chemical conditions of aquatic ecosystems. This descriptive research aimed to determine the water quality of estuaries in the municipality of Manuel A. Roxas, Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines by utilizing the Biological Monitoring Working Party and Average Species Per Taxon (BMWP-ASPT) Index. BMWP-ASPT is used to evaluate water quality using families of macroinvertebrates as biological indicators since aquatic invertebrates have different tolerance to pollution. Data were collected through field sampling and were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools. A total of twelve families were recorded. Eight (8) of the twelve families were identified as indicator species which include Atyidae, Penaeidae, Coenagrionidae, Gerridae, Simullidae, Lumbriculidae, Lymnaeidae, Neritidae. Pachychilidae has the highest relative abundance value of 51.40% while Coenagrionidae has the lowest relative abundance value of 0.22%. The BMWP-ASPT index indicated that the estuaries of Piao, Dohinob Daku, and Dohinob Diut have scored 4.16, 4.2, and 4.5 respectively which is interpreted as good water quality. Langatian estuary scored 3.0, interpreted as moderate. The water quality and abundance of macroinvertebrates in Langatian are impacted by the domestic waste and sewage disposal since the River traverses the town’s urban barangay. It is recommended that regular monitoring of the sampling sites will be conducted to sustain and protect those estuaries with good water quality and improve the water quality of Langatian considering population expansion.


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