Macroinvertebrates diversity in Dat’s and Asbang fak sol caves in the municipality of Matanao, Davao Del Sur

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Research Paper 05/01/2025
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Macroinvertebrates diversity in Dat’s and Asbang fak sol caves in the municipality of Matanao, Davao Del Sur

Edgie Boy B. Tadena
J. Bio. Env. Sci.26( 1), 72-89, January 2025.
Certificate: JBES 2025 [Generate Certificate]


This research assessed the macroinvertebrate diversity found in Dat’s and Asbang Fak Sol Caves in Matanao, Davao del Sur, and providing baseline data critical for cave conservation efforts. It utilized a quantitative descriptive research design in terms of describing the characteristics of macroinvertebrate communities found in these caves. This design included collecting, systematically, information on species diversity, abundance, and physicochemical conditions of cave sediments without interfering with any variables in as much detail about the current state of the ecosystems. Subsidiary zones then came into place within each cave, which include the entrance, twilight, transition, and deep zones. Physicochemical conditions in cave sediments were also assessed. A total of 250 individuals representing 36 genera of macroinvertebrates was accounted for. The richness of macroinvertebrates in Dat’s Cave was greater than those accounted for at Asbang Fak Sol Cave based on Shannon, Simpson, and Margalef indices. Effective species diversity of both caves was equivalent. Pheidole sp. dominated Dat’s Cave, while Myrmicaria sp. dominated Asbang Fak Sol Cave. Soil analysis showed slightly alkaline condition as well as sandy loam texture for both caves, while Asbang Fak Sol Cave held fewer organic materials. The results therefore unveil that macroinvertebrate communities are an important component of an intact cave ecosystem. The study therefore warrants targeted conservation practices aimed at protecting the peculiar diversity of macroinvertebrates in Dat’s and Asbang Fak Sol Caves. This study sets a valuable baseline in eventual ecological studies and conservation planning for those and similar cave systems.


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