Management of collar rot of pea through resistant germplasm and chemicals application

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Research Paper 01/12/2017
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Management of collar rot of pea through resistant germplasm and chemicals application

Muhammad Ehetisham-ul-Haq, Muhammad Kamran, Shaukat Ali, Muhammad Idrees, Muhammad Iqbal, Huma Abbas, Abdul Rashid, Saleem Il Yasin, Mudassar Iqbal
Int. J. Biosci.11( 6), 9-15, December 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Collar rot is a devastating disease of pea lowers the yield significantly. The present research was aimed to find the resistant pea germplasm against collar rot disease and to evaluate the fungicides efficacy under field conditions for disease management. Fourty-four pea varieties and lines were evaluated against collar rot disease of pea under field conditions. No variety and line was found immune. Three varieties/lines (1300-8, No. 267, Rondo) exhibited highly resistant response. Samrinazard, 2001-40, Ambassador, Robina, Pea-09, Strike and Isprit were resistant against the pathogen’s virulence. Fifteen varieties/lines (FS 21-87, MID No.8, 2001-40, LINA Pak, 9800-10, 1300-8, Green Arrow, PAF-400, 92001, Sprinter, Tere-2, Winner, Parker, Kinglit, Italian-680) responded moderately susceptible against collar rot disease. 9800-5, Climax, No. 380, PTL-1, 9805, Olympia, IT-96, GRW-45, Knight, Chinese, FS 23-87, Mayfair, Headline. G. Feast, AM-1, Verdo and Bounting were found susceptible while 2001-60 and Meteor were found highly susceptible to the disease. Five different fungicides {(Acrobat (Dimethomorph), Revus (mandipropamid), Success (Chlorothalonil + Metalaxy), Curzate (Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb 64%) and Ridomil Gold (64% w/w Mancozeb + 4% w/w Metalaxyl-M) were evaluated against collar rot disease @ 2.5g/L, 2.4 ml/L, 2g/L,6g/L and 2g/L respectively in field conditions. Ridomil Gold (64% w/w Mancozeb + 4% w/w Metalaxyl-M) was found the most effective to manage the disease.


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