Management of Fusarium wilt of chilli caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. capsici through nutritional amendments under greenhouse conditions

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Research Paper 01/03/2017
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Management of Fusarium wilt of chilli caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. capsici through nutritional amendments under greenhouse conditions

Muhammad Rizwan Bashir, Muhammad Atiq, Muhammad Mohsin, Muhammad Raheel, Waseem Abbas
Int. J. Biosci.10( 3), 185-191, March 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Fusarium wilt of chilli is the most important disease in chilli growing areas. This disease has reduced $65300.00 million revenue with 48 percent disease incidence. Thus, the current research was conducted for its management through non-conventional approaches under greenhouse conditions. Different concentrations of liquid fertilizers namely Nutritop and Compound containing micro and macro nutrients viz. Zn, Br, Fe and NPK alone as well as in combination were used. Most susceptible variety of chilli namely Maxi were sown in plastic tray. Fifteen days old seedlings were transplanted in plastic pots (17×13cm) containing formalin (1:320) sterilized soil. The interaction of treatments with concentrations and days were recorded after seven days. Means of all treatments expressed that Nutritop (Zn, Br and Fe) exhibited maximum disease incidence (36.96) followed by Compound (NPK) 30.31 and Compound + Nutritop (27.66) as compared to control (50.99) percent. The concentration 5000ml/ha of Compound + Nutritop exhibited minimum disease incidence of 22.77% as compared to other concentrations viz. 3000 and 4000ml/ha respectively. Likewise, interaction between treatments and days expressed minimum disease incidence of 31.47 percent by Compound + Nutritop after seventh day as compared to fourteenth (27.53) and twenty one days (23.97) percent respectively. It was concluded that concentration 5000ml/ha of compound + Nutritop minimizes the disease incidence with the passage of time which is an apt management for farmers to overcome the losses cause by Fusarium wilt of chillies.


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