Management of rice and wheat crops under dual stress of soil and water salinity

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Research Paper 01/05/2019
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Management of rice and wheat crops under dual stress of soil and water salinity

M. Sarfraz, M. Amjad Qureshi, S.M. Mehdi, M.A. Zaka, M. Rizwan, M. Nadeem, A. Naz, M.Z. Ilyas
Int. J. Biosci.14( 5), 369-377, May 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Salt affected soils are increasing continuously due to the secondary salinization, especially irrigation with high electrical conductivity (EC) or residual sodium carbonate (RSC) waters. To feed the ever increasing population of Pakistan, management of brackish water is highly recommended. High saline or sodic waters can only be used on fertile soils after necessary management practices. Intensive cropping system needs sufficient irrigation water but the underground water that has been applied is mostly injurious to soil health. Continuous irrigation with brackish water not only damaged the soil health / quality but also affect the crop productivity. Series of field experiments were carried out at Jhugian Pir district Hafizabad to investigate the different management practices under rice-wheat cropping system following randomized complete block design (RCBD). Results revealed that the highest yield parameters of rice and wheat was obtained with canal water with 100% GR of soil followed by brackish water + 100 % GR of soil + GR of irrigation water on the basis of RSC. Results regarding post- harvest soil analysis (pH, EC and SAR of soil) at (0-15 and 15-30 cm) illustrated that soil conditions were improved with canal water + 100 %GR of soil followed by brackish water + 100 % GR of soil + GR on the basis of RSC of irrigation water and (Brackish water + 100 % GR of soil). The minimum reduction in pH, ECand SAR of soil was observed in the control treatment where no amendment. Results clearly demonstrated that salt affected soils can be successfully cultivated with proper management practices even irrigated with poor quality irrigation water.


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