Mangrove assessment and diversity in Coastal area of Brgy. Julita, Biliran, Biliran, Philippines

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Research Paper 17/04/2023
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Mangrove assessment and diversity in Coastal area of Brgy. Julita, Biliran, Biliran, Philippines

Melanie P. Moncada, Ruffy M. Rodrigo, Romel G. Quinte
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 4), 36-41, April 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Mangrove forest plays a vital role not only in life beings but as well as other lives living on it. It serves as the habitat of thousands of marine and terrestrial life and consider as one of the most productive ecosystems in the world, contributing significantly to global carbon sequestration. Unfortunately, mangrove forests are under threat from human activities such as logging, aquaculture and coastal development and as a result, many have been degrades in recent decades. The main purpose of this study is to assess mangroves’ diversity, species composition, and ecological status in Brgy. Julita, Biliran, Biliran. Specifically, it aims to determine the species composition and ecological status; calculate diversity indices and mangroves species; and calculate vegetation analysis of mangrove species. Six permanent sampling stations were established within the mangrove area which further divided into transect line (3) three 10 x 10 plots were established randomly with a distance ranges 15-30 meters. Results showed a total of six (6) species belonging to four (4) families which was dominated with Rhizophoraceae family. Five species were recorded to be Least Concern and one species was considered Near Threatened (Ceriops decandra). Among the species, four showed decreasing population trend. Based on the results, mangrove areas of Brgy. Julita, Biliran, Biliran experienced moderate and noticeable cuttings.


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