Mangrove assessment and utilization in Gonzaga, Cagayan Northern Philippines

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Research Paper 01/07/2019
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Mangrove assessment and utilization in Gonzaga, Cagayan Northern Philippines

Andy L Catulin, Jane R Sambrana
J. Bio. Env. Sci.15( 1), 117-124, July 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The status and species composition of mangrove forest is a basic and prerequisite for the management and conservation of mangrove resource. The study was conducted to determine the diversity and species composition of mangrove in Gonzaga, Cagayan, Philippines. There were 18 mangrove species identified.  A total of 187 floral mangrove species were counted. The most dominant species found in the two sites, Barangays Caroan and San Jose,  are the Pototan (Bruguiera sexangula) and Pagatpat (Sonneratia alba) while the least dominant species thriving in the two sites are Pedada (Sonneratia caseolaris) and Piag-ao (Xylocarpus moluccensis). The index of similarity of two (2) mangrove sites showed a community coefficient value of 0.87. Indicating a high similarity of species composition. A total of 117 respondents were asked about information on the utilization of mangrove. Most of the respondents are familiar with the mangrove species. Along with the utilization component, mangrove is used as shelter or nursery ground of aquatic organism and first line protection from tidal waves, storm surges and other sea related disasters.  Likewise, it is being utilized as alternative medicine, as food in composition of vinegar, wine and sweets. Some mangrove tree also bears fruit that are edible as well. The threats to habitat and survival of mangrove species include natural and mand-made factors.  Finally, the adaptability and diversity of mangrove species highly depends on favorable ecological and environmental conditions however; the anthropogenic and natural disturbances observed may possess a great threat to mangrove biodiversity.


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