Mapping the terrain: Baseline profiling of adlay (Coix lacyma-jobi L.) production in Bohol, Philippines

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Research Paper 06/05/2024
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Mapping the terrain: Baseline profiling of adlay (Coix lacyma-jobi L.) production in Bohol, Philippines

Kathlyn L. Quion, Jiralyn A. Bicoy, Malona V. Alinsug, Ma Pamela Mae L. Digal, Mylah L. Buñao, Analyn P. Cario, Argyl C. Amba, Jessa Mae G. Perocho
J. Bio. Env. Sci.24( 5), 24-30, May 2024.
Certificate: JBES 2024 [Generate Certificate]


In the Philippines, adlay (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) is an underutilized cereal with many nutritional benefits compared to corn and rice. While some adlay cultivars have been produced on the island of Bohol, there is a need for more comprehensive information about adlay production in the province. The study employed chain referral sampling to identify adlay producers. This resulted in 41 confirmed producers being interviewed to assess the adlay production in Bohol.  The findings revealed that Bohol has 88 adlay cultivars, with 15 from Batuan, 18 from Carmen, 47 from Catigbian, and eight from Sagbayan. Producers typically plant adlay seeds directly with a spacing of 0.06 x 0.06 meters. The study also noted that adlay production in Bohol is relatively unknown, and its utilization is limited, primarily for crafting accessories and decorations. Consequently, the results suggest further research to characterize differences in these adlay cultivars and assess their field performance.


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