Marine microplastic pollution in Muttom: Detection and characterisation
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Marine microplastic pollution in Muttom: Detection and characterisation
The study examines the techniques for isolating, detecting, and analyzing microplastics (MPs) in marine habitats, specifically in the coastal waters of Muttom, India. Water samples were subjected to density separation filtration and sieving, which identified the presence of microplastics primarily as fibers, pellets, filaments and fragments. Density separation used the buoyancy of microplastics, resulting in high-density MPs settling as pellets while low-density MPs remained suspended in the supernatant. Filtration of isolated MPs yielded approximately 40 mg per 5 liters of seawater. Visual and microscopic identification classified microplastics by size, shape, and color, with fibers being the predominant kind. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) yielded high-resolution images, detecting microplastics as tiny as 500 nm and exposing rough, porous, and flaky surfaces. FT-Raman spectroscopy verified the existence of polymers, specifically polystyrene and polycarbonate, through distinctive vibrational frequencies. The results highlight the dangers that microplastics provide to marine ecosystems and human health, stressing the need for efficient waste management and legislative actions to alleviate microplastic pollution.
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