Market chain analysis of maize (in the case of Silte zone, Snnpr, Ethiopia)

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Research Paper 10/11/2023
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Market chain analysis of maize (in the case of Silte zone, Snnpr, Ethiopia)

Mohammed Dilsebo, Abebe Markos
J. Bio. Env. Sci.23( 5), 10-22, November 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The main goals of this study were to determine the primary maize marketing channels, analyze the market structure, conduct, and performance of maize markets, evaluate maize farmers’ market participation decisions, and identify factors impacting marketable maize supply. A multi-stage sample strategy was used to collect primary data from 148 maize growers, and 43 maize dealers were chosen to examine the efficacy of the maize market in the research area using the Structure, Conduct, and Performance (SCP) model. The Hackman selection model was used to estimate the drivers of maize quantity supply and market participation choice. Wholesalers purchased 19.42 percent of maize from producers, rural collectors 21.35 percent, urban assemblers 15.28 percent, cooperatives/unions 6.42 percent, retailers 20.43 percent, and consumers 17.07 percent. The results of the S-C-P investigation Regdina mazoriya market indicated a week oligopoly of maize market in the research region, with four firms’ concentration ratios (CR4) of 32.17 percent, while Alemegebaya market showed a competitive market structure with four businesses’ concentration ratios (CR4) of 26.69 percent. More of the results suggest price sating by traders in terms of maize market conduct in the study region, computation between maize dealers by giving a better price, fair scaling (measuring) and delivering quality maize, and other measures of conduct by price sating strategy market actors. The maize market’s investment possibility suggests that potential new merchants are welcome. The highest total marketing margin (14.6 percent) belongs to channel VI, while the lowest belongs to channel III. Wholesalers had the highest gross marketing margin, accounting for 28% of the total gross marketing margin. As a result, the study indicated that that farmers need better access to flexible credit, increased bargaining power through cooperatives and made information available to them at the right time and place, modern farming technologies, and adult and formal education.


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