Mastication: An Oral Physiology of Food Processing in Mouth

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Mastication: An Oral Physiology of Food Processing in Mouth

Sarvesh Rustagi
Int. J. Biosci.18( 3), 193-204, March 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The objective of this study was to understand the concept of mastication in terms of its relation to neuromuscular activities, perception towards texture of food and changes in food properties. During mastication coordination between teeth, lips, gums, tongue, cheek, palate, salivary glands and muscle of the jaws is required. Mastication is one of the neurological and physiological based complex process, which involves the activities of facial, elevator and suprahyoidal muscles along with movement of tongue which results in rhythmic mandibular movements with breakdown of food. The pattern of human subject’s chewing behavior during mastication also affects the perception of food texture. During mastication physical properties of food keep on changing in the oral cavity, so the mastication variables can be analyzed at different stages of mastication (early, middle and late). A number of methods are used for the analysis of mastication patterns. The study of mastication process has an important role in the food texture perception and its acceptance by the consumers.


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