Mental stress among female teachers of selected private and public schools in Dhaka City
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Mental stress among female teachers of selected private and public schools in Dhaka City
Mental stress is now a day’s common problem among female school teachers. Mental stress is most commonly being seen when demands of a situation exceed the personal resources that the individual can bring to bear on them at that moment. This comparative cross-sectional study was carried out from January to December 2019 to compare the level of mental stress between selected private and public female school teachers in Dhaka city. Sample size of the study was 263. Among them 191 from private schools and 72 from public schools. Majorities (61.3%) of respondents are age 25-36 years in private schools and 48.6% had age 37-48 years in public schools. Average monthly income of female teachers 17933.61 BDT and 36223.61 BDT in private and public schools respectively. Majority (57.6%) had moderate stress and 42.4% had low stress in private schools. 62.5% had moderate stress and 37.5% had low stress in public school female teachers which was significant (p=0.046) in graduate level of education. Severe workload among female teachers, 68.7 % were found moderate stress which was significant (p=0.042) in private school. In public teachers who had severe workload, 74.4% were found to be having moderate stress. Moderate stress was significant with non-flexible working hours in both private (p<0.001) and public (p=0.001) female school teachers. Support of boss was significantly associated (p<0.01) with moderate stress in public school. Moderate stress was significantly associated with satisfaction with current teaching profession in both private (p<0.001) and public (p=0.003) schools teachers. Mean perceived stress score (16.48±4.045 and 19.16±3.630) was significantly (p=0.007) different respectively between sufficient and non-sufficient leisure hours in public school. Mean perceived stress score (19.94±4.195) was significantly different (p=0.012) not satisfied at decision making in Private schools. Mean perceived stress score by selected attributes was significantly different between salary satisfaction in female teachers of private (p=0.001) & public (p=0.022) schools and also significantly different among different educational level of husbands in private (p=0.006) and public (p=0.053) school teachers. Mean perceived stress score was significantly different (p=0.005) among different duration of teaching profession in public school teachers. In developing country like Bangladesh, teaching is considered as one of the stressful professions. Mental stress among female teachers needs to be prevented and reduced which should be focused. Necessary actions need to their pay structure, general status, working conditions, and workload and school environment.
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Khan Nasrin Jahan, Afshan Zareen, Mahibun Nahar, Nasima Begum (2021), Mental stress among female teachers of selected private and public schools in Dhaka City; IJB, V18, N4, April, P123-143
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