Microbial cell as bio-factory for bioactive compounds: review on microbial nutraceuticals

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Microbial cell as bio-factory for bioactive compounds: review on microbial nutraceuticals

AllahNawaz Khan, Humaira Yasmin, Bin Amin, Liaqat Muhammad, Basharat Ullah Khan, Manzoor Ahmed
Int. J. Biosci.14( 3), 207-220, March 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Now a days it is a challenging and very serious issue to meet an adequate supply of quality food for growing population which is exploding at a geometric progression. Nutrient deficient diet is one of the major cause of constantly increasing health related problems. To resolve the health issues caused by malnourishments, nutraceutical like polysaccharides, multi-vitamins and enzymes have been produced from plants since many years. However, use of plant-derived nutraceuticals is limited due to low growth rate, seasonal variation, plant diseases or other environmental influences. Instead, microorganisms can be used for rapid, ecofriendly and economically nutraceuticals production in less space and generation time.Scientists are focusing on cultivation of useful microbial strains that have the potential to produce metabolites possessing pharmaceutical as well as nutrition value (nutraceuticals). This modern approach can compensate for food demand (quality diets) and disease curing. Various bacteria, fungi, algae and yeast have been cultivated for the production of the bioactive compounds. Such useful microbial extracted compounds are considered to be food graded healthy nutrition or nutraceuticals. This advance research can bring revolution in the field of medicine and nutrition.


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