Microbiological quality assessment of select commercial mosquito repellents in the Philippines

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Microbiological quality assessment of select commercial mosquito repellents in the Philippines

Dana Joanne Von Trono, Lucilyn Lahoylahoy Maratas
Int. J. Biosci.12( 1), 119-125, January 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Dengue fever is a major health concern in the Philippines with its morbidity and mortality. Repellents represent an important tactic in preventing the spread of this disease, however, even with the stamp of approval from the World Health Organization, concerns regarding possible toxic reactions have been raised. Thus, the need for a study on the safety evaluation of mosquito repellents. Based on the survey conducted in this study, 50% of the study population used mosquito repellents as a form of self-protection. Investigation on microbiological contamination and antibacterial activities of the select commercially available mosquito products (CAAMP) were done. Bacterial load of the products ranged from (1.0 x 101 to 6.0 x 101 cfu/ml) and antimicrobial screening through the modified Kirby- Bauer Method revealed that conventional and citronella-based repellents showed no antimicrobial activity against Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. However some bio-repellents revealed a minimal antibacterial activity against the bacterial strains (6.1mm-13mm). Caution should be taken when using such products and excessive administration should be avoided.


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