Mineralization of phosphorus and sulfur in concentrated organic fertilizer under anaerobic laboratory conditions

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Research Paper 06/09/2024
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Mineralization of phosphorus and sulfur in concentrated organic fertilizer under anaerobic laboratory conditions

Shahrin Binta Hossain, Md. Daraj Uddin Prodhan, Md. Zahidur Rahman, Md. Saroare Zahan Roky, Md. Sajjad Hossain, Md. Abdullah Al Mamun
Int. J. Biosci.25( 3), 64-72, September 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Understanding nutrient release from manure or compost through mineralization is essential for meeting crop nutritional requirements, ensuring timely fertilizer application, and improving nutrient use efficiency. This study investigated the mineralization of phosphorous (P) and sulfur (S) in concentrated organic manures under anaerobic laboratory conditions. Treatments included T1= Mustard oil Cake, T2= Fish meal, T3= Bone meal, T4= Biochar enriches organic fertilizer, T5= Vermicompost and T6= control. Physicochemical properties such as available phosphorus (P), available S, pH, and electrical conductivity (EC) were assessed using standard protocols. The mineralization process was monitored for 180 days at 25°C. Results showed significant variations in P, S, pH, and EC under anaerobic conditions. Mustard Oil Cake exhibited the highest release of S, P, pH, and EC, followed by Fish Meal in most cases. Variation in pH release was observed among treatments throughout the study period. Appropriate selection and application of organic manures in correct quantities are crucial for providing essential nutrients, enhancing crop nutrient use efficiency, and formulating accurate fertilizer recommendations to maximize the benefits of organic manures.


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