Modeling hydroxyl radical control process in hydrodynamic cavitation reactors

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Research Paper 01/04/2015
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Modeling hydroxyl radical control process in hydrodynamic cavitation reactors

Zahra Raeyati, Mahmood Torabi Angaji
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 4), 474-481, April 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Cavitations phenomenon is resulted from elevated temperature and pressure and production of free radicals. This technology can be employed to disinfect drinking water and waste water. What is important in cavitations reactors is the production of hydroxyl radicals, which plays a significant role in removing coliforms. So, it was attempted to control radical production through controlling the input pressure. It was examined by placing a PID controller. The presented control algorithm is carried out based on trial and error. Flow diagram of hydroxyl radical control model was also designed using pressure. The relationship between design in term of cavitational intensity (according to collapsing pressure and temperature) and cavitational efficiency (according to radical) will be based on operational parameters regarding the hydrodynamic cavitations in order to perceive the design information concerning cavitational intensity and radical efficiency.


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