Modeling of enzymatic production applied to the extraction of essential oils

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Research Paper 01/05/2018
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Modeling of enzymatic production applied to the extraction of essential oils

Eloutassi Noureddine, Nechad Imane, Louaste Bouchra, Yemni Majda, Amal Lahkimi, Chaouch Mahdi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 5), 446-454, May 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The catalytic power of enzymes is no longer a secret for agro-food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and other industries, they use enzymatic catalysts in the chain of processing of raw material. In this work, we tested the possibility of improving the yield of essential oil of aromatic and medicinal plants by the use of an enzymatic process coupled with extraction. The plant tested is Rosmarinus officinalis, while the extraction method is the hydro distillation coupled to the pectinases. The production of the pectinase enzyme was obtained from the supernatant of strain Aspergillus Niger culture medium , who grew up in the wastes of the hydro distilled plant as the only source of carbon. In order to better optimize the production of the enzyme, the investigation of the effects of the different factors on the performance is proving a crucial step. Given the narrow number of factors in production, screening was paramount for the collection of influence factors. Then, modelling by experiment plans allowed us to establish a practical mathematical model that would increase the yield positively. The use of the enzymatic catalyst proved to be of great practicality, it induced improvements in the performance of the essential oil with an increase of 25% and the reduction of the processing time by 50%. Therefore, the rate of hydrodistillation of Rosmarinus officinalis biomass treated by enzymatic preparation has improved.


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