Modelling and mapping of short duration storms in Northeastern Algeria

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Research Paper 01/10/2017
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Modelling and mapping of short duration storms in Northeastern Algeria

Salima Guechi, Laroussi Beloulou, Saadane Djorfi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 4), 209-219, October 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


One of the natural phenomena that have the greatest impact on humans is heavy rainfall. Thus, knowledge of spatial and temporal distribution of short duration rainfall is of great interest in hydro-technical studies. This work has two objectives: calculating the Depth-Duration-Frequency (DDF) relationships and drawing isohyetal maps for short duration heavy rains in northeastern Algeria. Digitized charts for more than 5000 rainfall events recorded at 18 sites and daily rainfall for 74 rain gauges that spread over the main hydrographic basins in the region are the raw data. Several formulations are tested to assess the DDF laws. The sensitivity analysis validated, with sufficient accuracy, two nondimensional 2-parameter models (geometric and semi-logarithmic) to analytically describe these laws. Using previous and newly produced results and the kriging method for interpolation, we were able to shift from a point estimate to a spatial evaluation of the rainfall hazard by drawing isohyetal maps of the 10 and 100-year events for the 15, 30, 60 minute and 24 hour rainfall durations. This mapping made it possible to reconstruct the great disparities in quantities and durations of heavy rainfall events in the northeastern Algeria watersheds. Moreover, the results allow to answer, for a well-informed user, many questions in hydraulics, sol conservation fields as well as in rainfall-runoff-sol loss modelling.


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