Moderate exercise test is not associated with recovery response of IL-1ß in smokers

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Research Paper 01/03/2013
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Moderate exercise test is not associated with recovery response of IL-1ß in smokers

Aghazadeh Javad, Maleki Behnam, Shirvani Hossein, Shahriary Behnam
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 3), 37-42, March 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Relationship between cigarette smoking and increased morbidity and mortality has already been reported in previous studies. Fifteen healthy untrained smoker males and fifteen non-smokers matched for age, gender, height, and BMI were recruited for this study by accessible sampling. Fasting blood samples were collected of all participants for measuring and comparing serum IL-1b between smoker and non-smokers at baseline. Then, all smokers were completed an exercise test for 35 min running on smooth surface without slope at 75% of maximal heart rate. Blood sampling were repeated immediately and 60 min after stopping the test in order to determine acute and recovery response of IL-1ß to exercise in smokers. Statistical analysis was performed using an independent paired t-test. At baseline there were no differences in the age, serum IL-1b, body weight and other anthropometrical indexes between the two groups. No significant differences were found in acute and recovery serum IL-1b by exercise test with compared to baseline in smokers. This study indicates that moderate exercise test is not associated with acute or recovery response of IL-1b in smoker men. Future studies should examine the potential role of short-term exercise systemic inflammation in this population.


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