Modern distribution of forest fires in front coastal area of the Baikal

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Research Paper 01/02/2019
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Modern distribution of forest fires in front coastal area of the Baikal

Eugeni G. Suvorov, Natalia I. Novitskaya, Alexander D. Kitov
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 2), 23-33, February 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Varying state of forested area has different environment forming importance. Fires are considered as forming factor of actual spatial forests structure and possible influence on environment protection functions near the Baikal Lake. The electronic fires database from 1995 till 2017 year of Prebaikalski national park (PNP) area was analysed with GIS using, remote sense data and field research, and was given attention to common data before this period. Integral cartographical pattern of forest fires distribution was carried out. It was burnt-over 115754 ha of more than half of PNP area, forming derived forests structure. Maximum fires quantity was in spring-early summer usually dry period. Taiga forests of different successional restoration states were impacted by fires within low mountain and middle mountain area of front coastal territory near the Baikal. Ground forest fires with small burnt area predominate. Their propagation depends not only on climatic conditions, but also on natural localities, when southern exposure slopes are more subjected to the fires. Greatest quantity of fires concentrates near settlements and roads of different kind. But the largest forest fire areas (about 33,000 ha) took place during the irregular summer droughts, for example in August 2015 within hard available upper part of the mountain taiga belt. The catastrophic consequences of forest fires under mountain conditions are connected with the activation of slope processes, as a result with processes of forest cover recovery inhibiting. It is stated formation of the stably prolonged derived forest cover structure in the Baikal basin with decreased of water-protection functions.


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