Molecular characterization of different tea clones “Camellia sinensis L” grown at NTHRI, Shinkiari

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Research Paper 01/01/2017
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Molecular characterization of different tea clones “Camellia sinensis L” grown at NTHRI, Shinkiari

A. Waheed, G. Hina, F. S. Hamid, M. Khushi, A. Habib, A. H. Shah, M. Saqib, A. Naveed, A. Sohail, B. Madiha, A. Seemab, K. Nadia, A. Naseer
Int. J. Biosci.10( 1), 142-151, January 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Characterize selected tea varieties and clones based on molecular characteristics having maximum bands on using markers to find out the best tea variety/clone for high yield and drought tolerance. For DNA analysis 8 genotypes of tea were screened out with 10 SCoT  (Start Codon Targeted Polymorphism) primer and 6 genotypes were screened with 4 RAPD primers. Out of these 10 SCoT primers used against genomic DNA of tea clones, however total 4 loci were generated by 3 SCoT primers with range of bands size at 200-2200bp. The S 11 proved the best primer as it showed maximum number of bands. Clone P3 and P8 resultant best for tea flush and shoot length but remained poor for genetic diversity. While clone Aa561 shows strong genetic diversity among other clones and placed out of that group. In view of different traits performance the clone Aa117/NTHRI was good comparatively on genetic diversification characters.


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