Molecular identification of Bacteria causing soft rot disease of tomato in Mansehra, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/08/2020
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Molecular identification of Bacteria causing soft rot disease of tomato in Mansehra, Pakistan

Naseeb Ullah, Aziz Ud-Din, Tariq Mahmood, Hamid Ali, Wajid Ali, Sajidul Ghafoor, Shakir Khan, Safa Faqir, Raja Asad Ali Khan
Int. J. Biosci.17( 2), 207-217, August 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Vegetables are regarded as the prolonged plant parts which are used either cooked or uncooked. Different vegetables have different nutritional values providing vitamins, antioxidant, minerals, fibers for the normal functioning of the human body. Pakistan is an agriculture country and above 70% of its population depends on agriculture. Mansehra is the North-West district of the province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. It is famous for tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) cultivation, However, there are certain limiting factors which lower the yield of tomato. Besides others the most important yield limiting factor is diseases caused by bacteria. These diseases pose a serious threat to the quality and quantity of tomato. We collected symptomatic samples of tomato showing symptoms of soft rot in the year 2016-2017. Bacteria were isolated and were further cultured to get pure colonies. We applied biochemical tests and molecular markers for the identification of isolated bacteria. The isolated bacteria were further subjected to PCR and we sequenced partially their 16S rRNA. It was revealed that Erwinia and pseudomonas were the causing agents. The obtained sequences of 16S rRNA were submitted to NCBI gene bank having accession numbers MH244345.1 and MH244346.1


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