Mollusk diversity and richness in relation to moon phases in intertidal zone of Sawang, Sibutad, Zamboanga del Norte

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Research Paper 09/12/2024
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Mollusk diversity and richness in relation to moon phases in intertidal zone of Sawang, Sibutad, Zamboanga del Norte

Tessie Gas-Pulido
Int. J. Biosci.25( 6), 346-353, December 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The bulk of marine invertebrate molluscs in the intertidal zone are gastropods and bivalves. According to the study, the lunar cycle has an impact on animal biology and gatherer activities, and understanding the phases of the moon is critical for traditional coastal communities that rely on mangrove ecosystem resources to live. As a result, the researchers decided to test prior findings at Barangay Sawang in the municipality of Sibutad, Zamboanga del Norte’s intertidal sample site. This study aimed to determine the population of mollusks found in the intertidal area. This study employed both qualitative and quantitative research methods. From November to December 2021 and January 2022, this was done during the four moon phases of the month where the species’ intertidal population was assessed. At four sample stations, quadrant transects were employed to create permanent markers for onsite sampling of three substrates: rock, sand, and corals. The researchers utilized the Google Lens and Picture Shell software on their smartphones to differentiate traits among all Mollusk species for nomenclature. During the new moon phase, the highest peak population of Gastropods has been reported. In the monthly four moon phase, mollusk species with various lengths and dispersion can be seen. The mollusk population is very consistent across the four sampling sites, each of which has its own unique substrate. More research is needed in Zamboanga del Norte’s unique mangrove habitats and estuary locations to learn more about the richness and species of mollusks. The government may strictly enforce legislation, rules, and regulations relevant to aquatic species protection and conservation.


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