Monitoring of epidemiological factors promotive for the expansion of downy mildew of onion and its chemotherapeutic management under field conditions

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Monitoring of epidemiological factors promotive for the expansion of downy mildew of onion and its chemotherapeutic management under field conditions

Sami Ullah, Muhammad Atiq, Muhammad Younas, Nasir Ahmed Rajput, Shahbaz Talib Sahi, Arslan Sharif, Muhammad Zeeshan Talib, Kiran Fatima, Muhammad Umar Majeed, Waqas Ashraf, Hasan Raza
Int. J. Biosci.16( 3), 173-183, March 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Downy mildew of onion is the most damaging disease of onion and is the major cause of reduction in yield in Pakistan. In current study for management purpose ten varieties of onion and five fungicides namely Shincar, Tilt, Ridomil gold, Rally and Curzate M at three concentrations ( 1,1.5 and 2g/liter of water) were evaluated under Randomized Complete Block Design. Among ten varieties only two varieties (1122F1hyb, SV.0748NP) expressed resistant response towards Downy mildew with 7.5-8.5% incidence. Among fungicides Shincar exhibited maximum reduction in incidence of disease (30, 55, and 85%) at three concentrations respectively. As environmental factors play a critical role in disease development and disease dispersal. So, in the current study their relationship with varieties in disease development was monitored. It was found that environmental factors have significant positive correlation at 5% (P) level. Characterization of epidemiological factors indicated that with increase in max temperature (20-26oC), minimum temperature (10-15oC), Relative humidity (64-80 %) and wind speed (3-6Km/h), disease also increased. These results are helpful for farmers, researchers and scientists for timely management of Downy mildew to save their onion crop from the harms of Downy mildew.


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