Monitoring of Rangeland vegetation changes in Alborz Province(Iran) using the simple ratio index

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Research Paper 01/11/2013
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Monitoring of Rangeland vegetation changes in Alborz Province(Iran) using the simple ratio index

Morteza Hoseini Tavassol, Hosein Arzani, Manocher farajzadeh Asal, Mohamad jafary, Sasan babaie Kafaki
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 11), 78-85, November 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Vegetational dispersion and rate of changes over the time, showing the ecosystem succession is in regressive or progressive process. There are several ways of checking for changes of vegetation such as field studies and long-term inventory. Today, one of the ways that can help us in this process is using the satellite imagery and remote sensing instruments. In this study changes in rangeland vegetation of Alborz Province between years of 2000 and 2011 was monitored in seprated counties using satellite images of TM and ETM + . the simple ratio (SR) index, and its relationship with the field data in 55 types of vegetation was investigated. Results showed that the index has a correlation with the actual vegetation in 0.05 level and has a minus correlation with the soil at the 0.01 level. Significantly Taleghan county has the highest density of vegetation. After that, there are other counties of Savojbolagh, Karaj, Eshtehard and Nazarabad, respectively. Comparing the averages from view point of similarity in the behaivor of index changes showed that Taleghan, Savojbolagh and Karaj are classified in one group and Eshtehard and Nazarabad in a another group. Investigating the Process of vegetation changes showed that vegetation has reduced and then increased after 2000 to 2002. the amount of vegetation has also increased in 2011 compare with 2000.


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