Morpho-agronomic characteristics and yield of new promising Soybean (Glycine max L.) Lines for Bacnotan, La Union, Philippines

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Research Paper 08/03/2024
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Morpho-agronomic characteristics and yield of new promising Soybean (Glycine max L.) Lines for Bacnotan, La Union, Philippines

Kevin E. Elias, Florentino Orpilla
Int. J. Biosci.24( 3), 133-140, March 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Over the past years, the Philippines has been importing soybeans to meet its domestic requirements. The importation is triggered by the very low production of local soybean farmers.  One of the constraints is the low-quality planting materials used by farmers. Hence, the performance of six new soybean lines (IBP Sy 2005-05-179, IBP Sy 2008-04-03A, IBP Sy 2008-05-177A, ICGV 02227, LG Sy 9956, and LG Sy 63) was evaluated. Results revealed that IBP Sy 2008-05-177A had the highest survival rate (57.31%), 100-seed weight (14.75 g), and seed yield per hectare (1.98 t ha-1) with advantages of 11.87%, 4.00g, and 0.41t ha-1 over the check variety, NSIC Sy 9, respectively. However, statistically insignificant differences were noted on plant height, pods per plant, length of pod and seeds per pod, and seed quality. The result showed that IBP Sy 2008-05-177A is a new promising soybean line for farmers in Bacnotan, La Union, Philippines.


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