Morpho-agronomical and physiological response of cotton seedlings to low nitrogen supply

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Research Paper 01/07/2019
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Morpho-agronomical and physiological response of cotton seedlings to low nitrogen supply

Asif Iqbal, Wang Zhun, Dong Qiang, Niu Jing, Hui-Ping Gui, Xiang-Ru Wang, Zhang Heng-Heng, Nian-Chang Pang, Meizhen Song
Int. J. Biosci.15( 1), 487-499, July 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Among the crop production factors, nitrogen is the most important limiting factor of crop production. The relationship between photosynthesis and nitrogen nutrition has been widely studied in different crops. However, in cotton leaf photosynthetic traits and nitrogen use efficiency are less clear at the seedling stage. It was found that low nitrogen supply significantly reduced cotton growth, photosynthesis, nitrogen content and ultimately the nitrogen use efficiency except root morphological traits. Correspondingly, all the parameters related to gaseous exchange were very sensitive to nitrogen deficiency and therefore reduced. However, the intercellular CO2 concentration and nitrogen efficiency ratio were increased under low N supply. These results suggest the possibility of utilizing these traits as indicators for optimum nitrogen fertilization and development of nitrogen efficient genotypes. Further, this could lead to the development of sustainable agriculture for better crop productivity and profitability as well as environmental protection.


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