Morpho-metabolites based delineation of root induction protocol for olive cultivars by using darkness and auxins

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Research Paper 01/10/2017
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Morpho-metabolites based delineation of root induction protocol for olive cultivars by using darkness and auxins

Zahid Hussain Shah, Bahget T. Hamooh
Int. J. Biosci.11( 4), 247-262, October 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


In vitro rhizogenesis is the last step determining the success of micropropagation of woody plants like olive. Current study has delineated a successful protocol of root induction in proliferated microshoots of four promising olive cultivars by using different levels of auxins (IBA and NAA) and dark period. The effects of these treatments were screened at morphological (rooting percentage, root length, number of roots per shoot and days of root initiation) and biochemical (primary and secondary metabolites) levels by making the detailed evaluations of root parameters and metabolites. Moreover, SEM micrographs of developing roots were generated to get the better understanding about the role of hormones in root architect regulation. Significant impact of increasing levels of hormones was detected in improving the root parameters as well as in triggering the metabolic activities. Our evaluations on morphological and biochemical basis ratified the higher rooting effectiveness of olive media with 2.5 mg L-1supplementation of IBA and NAA; however comparative study marked IBA more promising as compared to NAA. In addition all cultivars showed noteworthy performance on both morphological and biochemical front at 2.5 mg L-1 concentration of hormones; while the performance of Arbosana and Arbequina was outstanding. The dark treatment showed only exceptional performance in increasing the rooting percentage, while no promising impact was noticed for other morphological and metabolic parameters. However, comprehensive assessment revealed promising performance of IBA in mediating growth and metabolic activities as compared to NAA.


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