Morpho-physiological responses of Sunflower (Helianthus anuus L.) hybrid to different irrigation and planting regimes

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Research Paper 01/10/2017
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Morpho-physiological responses of Sunflower (Helianthus anuus L.) hybrid to different irrigation and planting regimes

Doulat Baig, Fida Mohammad Abbasi, Maqsood Qamar, Saleem Abid, Muhammad Arshad, Shamim-Ul-Sibtain Shah, Sohail Ahmad Jan
Int. J. Biosci.11( 4), 132-143, October 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Judicious water management along with proper planting method plays key role in increasing sunflower yield. Sunflower occupies main role among oil seed crops in Pakistan in which mostly indigenous sunflower hybrid are cultivated, however due to low crop yield and return farmers are switching to high yielding sunflower hybrids. Hence, the research was carried out to determine the effect of planting methods and irrigation levels on the growth and yield of sunflower hybrid (SMH0907) and to find out the optimum irrigation level and most suitable planting method. Experiment comprised of five irrigation levels i.e., irrigation at seedling, buttoning, flowering, grain filling and near to maturity stage along with control (no irrigation) and two planting method i.e., ridge and flat. Randomized complete block design was followed with three replications. According to this research, the optimum irrigation for the highest achene yield is applying water at all four critical growth stages (from seedling to grain filling) (achene yield, 3184.2 kg ha-1) compared with irrigation at all five growth stages (achene yield 2592.0 kg ha-1). Similarly, number of achene head-1, 100 achene weight was also increased with irrigation at four growth stages. An increased leaf area index (LAI), and harvest index (HI) was also recorded with irrigation at critical growth stages. In this study the crop grown on ridges had an increased LAI, and HI. Similarly, ridge sown crop produced more achene head-1 and greater 100 achene weight and achene yield than crops sown on flat. The findings of this studies economized water use by identifying critical growth stages where irrigation is important along with suitable planting method.

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