Morphological and biochemical characterization of Ziziphus jujube collect from remote areas of Malakand Division, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/12/2018
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Morphological and biochemical characterization of Ziziphus jujube collect from remote areas of Malakand Division, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Nasar Ali, Arshad Khan, Murad Ali, Waqar khan Mohammad Nisar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 6), 124-131, December 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The present work was done in organize to estimate the genetic diversity among the Ziziphus jujube genotype. Genetic variation is considered as a basic feature to plants breeding and makes it viable to choose plants with appropriate traits. The methods to study genetic variation are morphological traits and SDS-PAGE. For this purpose, seeds of 100 genotype were collected. Data were recorded of 16 morphological traits in which qualitative are, Frequency, Irrigation, Plant population density, Tree vigorous intermediate (18%), large (71%) and small (11%), Leaf shape, Leaf margin, Leaf colour genotype  red (6%), light brown (16%), brown(36%), dark brown(14%) and yellowish (28%), Shoot pubescence, Shoot colour, Seed shape, Shell texture was 99% and soft shell texture are 1%, Shell colour, Shell strength and the remaining traits were show no variation. And quantitative traits are Leaf length (21-52mm), Leaf width (10-29mm), Seed length (14-32mm), Seed width (1-9), Petiole length (2-7mm), 100 Seeds weight (40-250g), and number of branches. In quantitative maximum variation was found for all traits in genotype. SDS-PAGE analyses of seed storage were Which gives significant result, in total 14 bands were observed, the entire band loci are all were polymorphic, the utmost level of variation was found in B18 (0.85%) followed by B1 (0.96%) and B2 (0.94%), B4 (0.85%), B6 (0.75%) and B7 (0.73%). Similarly B12 (0.2%) revealed low level B5 (0.8%), B3 (0.9%), B14 (31%), B13 (0.34%), B11 (0.41%), B9 (0.55%), B8 (0.65%). All the traits show significant variation, for future use in selection of plant.


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