Morphological and molecular study of Fasciola spp. in sheep in Alkut city

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Research Paper 01/01/2019
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Morphological and molecular study of Fasciola spp. in sheep in Alkut city

Thuraya Khled Abdulwahed, Amer Merhim Al-Amery
Int. J. Biosci.14( 1), 121-130, January 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Liver fluke disease or fasciolosis is one of the most important helminth infections of ruminants in the world caused by Fasciola spp.Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate and identify the fasciolid species by morphometric and molecular methods in Alkut city. Adult Fasciola worms (n=79) were obtained from sheep in different condition, ages, and sex  from slaughterhouse. Morphometrically, the liver worms collected from the sheep were stained with alum carmine stain and results revealed the occurrence of F. hepatica. The PCR amplification ITS2 fragment was performed. The isolated DNA samples and the amplicons were consequently subjected to RFLP assay and nucleotide sequencing to distinguish between fasciolid species. Seventy nine samples collected from 360 sheep, were identified subsequently based on genetic markers:nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2). This study showed the intermediate form of Fasciolain Iraq. We concluded that morphometric examination alone is not sufficient and reliable in the species-specific identification and differentiation of Fasciola isolates. Threfore, to get more conclusive, molecular identification assay using PCR and further confirmation by sequencing is highly recommended.


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