Morphology study of Toxocara canis (Werner, 1788) worms by scanning microscope

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Short Communications 01/03/2019
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Morphology study of Toxocara canis (Werner, 1788) worms by scanning microscope


Toxocarias is revealed to the important topic and high risk of polluted with the worm Toxocara canis in all Iraq and in Baghdad especially. This requires more studies. The current study aimed to Microscopic study for the adult worm of T. canis by scanning electron microscope and compare with the direct digital photo and light microscope. Scientific photography was conducted to adult worms of Toxocara canis by Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) which was for first trial in Iraq. It showed the mouth of the worm which was surrounded by three fleshy lips that were one dorsal and two sub ventral each one equipped with small papillae; these worms have a cervical alae that make the anterior end of the worm resemble an arrowhead and reach a point resolution of 300 um using a secondary electron detector(SEI). The tail of the male was usually curved ventrally and finger-shaped showing two spicules and reaches a point resolution of 500 um using a secondary electron detector (SEI). Scanning electron microscopy images were scientific photography featuring science and biomedical microscopy photos were best than the direct digital photo and light microscope photo for adult of T. canis.

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