Morphometric relationship of mediterranean mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis, (Lamark, 1819) in Algerian West coasts

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Morphometric relationship of mediterranean mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis, (Lamark, 1819) in Algerian West coasts

Almulsi Ebrahim Mohahid Ahmad, Rouane-Hacene Omar, Mouffok Salim, Boutiba Zitouni, Bouderbala Mohamme
Int. J. Biosci.14( 4), 399-408, April 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Mytilus galloprovincialis is very common in almost Algerian rocky coasts. It shows complex ecological and behavioral characteristics which vary according to the environment where it lives. The aim of this study was to realize the follow-up of the biometric parameters of bivalve molluscs in algerian coastal area, through analyzing the morphometric diversity, by calculating the different relationships. In this investigation, the morphometric diversity of 800 individuals of marine mussels from four rocky sites in the west coasts of Algerian were analyzed. Upon arrival, mussels were inspected and dead animals discarded. Fifty individuals were used for biometric characterization Shell length (L), height (H), and thickness (E). Each mussel was opened with a stainless steel knife. The correlation coefficient was used for regression equations (Lt=aWtb, Lt=AH+b, H=aE+b). The results showed that according to the global scale, the three allometric relations highlighted in this work revealed that the increase of the length shell was less important than those of the height and the thickness. On other hand, the increase of the thickness was slower than the height of all the specimens studied from all sites. The results reflected the adaptive response of the mussel following the physical and the ecological environment where it lives. The variation of the relations: length/height and length/thickness in the mussels from the four studied sites showed that this species had a tendency to grow in height and width faster than the length. This study revealed significant differences between the morphometric characteristics of mussel populations of the four sites.


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