Mosquitoes and viruses are dual threat to Pakistan: in the era of climate change

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Review Paper 01/03/2020
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Mosquitoes and viruses are dual threat to Pakistan: in the era of climate change

Jabir Ali, Mubasher Rauf, Syed Asad Ali Bukhari, Sayed Jasim Raza Zaidi, Ujalla Tanveer, Khushbakhat Maqbool, Waheed Abbas, Syed Shehnshah, Asim Rasool Bhatti, Muhammad Sufyan Khalid, Muhammad Faizan Khurram Maqsood, Hafiz Muhammad Asmar Naeem
Int. J. Biosci.16( 3), 362-370, March 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


In the era of climate change, about 80 % of global population is at risk to vector borne viral diseases. The climate changes imparted a significant impact upon the mosquito’s ecosystems. Mosquito population highly affected by the temperature variability and water resources. Mosquitoes are insects, feed on blood and transmit pathogenic viruses via biting the particular host. Chikungunya, Dengue fever, Zika fever and West Nile are most prevalent mosquitoes borne viral diseases in Pakistan. Mosquitoes breeding sites are water bodies, discarded tyres harbouring water, water tanks, bottles, cups and ant traps. Pakistan bears the poor living standards therefore, morbidity and mortality rates are much higher with respect to other countries due to these arboviruses diseases. There should be proper sanitation and preventive strategies for elimination of vectors like mosquitoes. This review article aims to highlight the current and future threats of mosquitoes borne viral diseases in Pakistan, in relation to climate change. Proper measures should also be taken to reduce the impact of climate change. If the appropriate steps should not be taken situation become more threatening to Pakistan.


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