Nanocrystals: A review

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Nanocrystals: A review

B. Nitish, K. Pavithra, Singam Malathi, Khilifa Fathelrahman Khalifa Abdelmagid, S. Jeganath
Int. J. Biosci.16( 4), 331-344, April 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Nanotechnology in many relevant fields, like medicine and pharmacy, can impact our lives enormously over the next decade. Transfer of substances into the nano dimension improves their physical characteristics that have been used in pharmaceutics to create a new revolutionary formulating method for poorly soluble drugs: nanocrystals for medicines. The nanocrystals of drugs are not part of the future; the first drugs are still in the marketplace. Commercially applicable processing techniques, pearl milling, and homogenization by high pressure are checked. This addresses the mechanics behind the product nanocrystals and improvements in their physical properties. Poorly soluble small molecules usually pose translational obstacles due to their poor solubility, poor bioavailability and difficulties in formulating. Nano crystallization is a flexible process with the added advantage of a provider-free delivery method to save poorly soluble drugs. We include a thorough overview of nanocrystals in this study, including a focus on their clinical interpretation. The study also shines a light on medically authorized nanocrystal medicinal items including those under production.

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