Napoleon wrasse mapping for resource stock enhancement: The case of Mantatao Island, Bohol, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/04/2022
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Napoleon wrasse mapping for resource stock enhancement: The case of Mantatao Island, Bohol, Philippines

Maria Danesa S. Rabia, Yutaka Shibuno, Jomel Baobao
Int. J. Biosci.20( 4), 144-153, April 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Napoleon wrasse is one of the most important fish that live in the reef that has given much attention due to its alarming population status. This study aims to assess the fisherfolks awareness and fish catch incidence of the Napoleon wrasse in Mantatao Island, Calape, Bohol. Descriptive survey method was used with the aid of a self-made questionnaire from Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center- Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC-AQD). This was validated through personal interviews. Thirty percent from the total household number of the island was served as the sample. This was randomly selected. Data were analyzed using simple mean, frequency and percentages. Results showed that fishing is the primary source of income. Majority go to sea daily at night and a few in day time spending only for 3 to 4 hours. Mostly they are using spear fishing with compressor, few were using fish traps and hook and line. Common fish catch is 2-10 kilograms daily are reef fish associate. The fish has other local names including “mameng”, “ipos-ipos” and “taongan”. It is sold ranging from 80-150 pesos per kilogram. Identified people’s organization of the island helped a lot in the strict implementation of resource conservation in which Mantatao is very rich in natural fishery resources.


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