Natural productivity of pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei during the nursery stage

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Research Paper 12/07/2024
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Natural productivity of pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei during the nursery stage

Josol Marjon, Dion Neil Colantro, Charity Asutilla, Florito Guarin, Jemelyn Castanares, Jomel Baobao, Maria Danesa S. Rabia
Int. J. Biosci.25( 1), 269-274, July 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Natural productivity of pacific white shrimp by using inorganic and organic fertilizer was investigated. Nursery culture was carried out for 15 days in 2 m3 indoor concrete tanks with stocking density of one postlarvae (PL) liter-1 using PL16 shrimp.  During the first week of the experiment there was no significant difference in the phytoplankton densities and microbial flocs in the two treatments. A day after the 3rd fertilization, the algae bloomed in the tanks applied with urea which resulted to mass mortality of all stocks. The results demonstrated that weekly periodic application of urea at a rate of 50 kg ha-1 in a zero-water exchange set up during the nursery of L. vannamei is not viable. Periodic fertilization using chicken manure at a rate of 625 kg ha-1 improved feed conversion rate as well as shrimp survival and production. On the other hand, fertilization using chicken manure improved feed conversion rate as well as shrimp survival and production. Shrimp survival was 92.68%, specific growth rate (% day-1) was 14.05 in terms of weight and 18.17 in terms of length and yield was 128.37 g m-3.


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