Navigating the new normal: A qualitative exploration of the post-pandemic lived experiences of medical staff in an internationally accredited hospital in the Philippines

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Research Paper 09/11/2024
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Navigating the new normal: A qualitative exploration of the post-pandemic lived experiences of medical staff in an internationally accredited hospital in the Philippines

Jomar G. Dela Cruz
Int. J. Biosci.25( 5), 176-190, November 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The present qualitative study aimed to investigate the lived experiences of medical personnel at a hospital in the Philippines that has received international accreditation, following the pandemic. Through comprehensive interviews and thematic analysis, the study sought to comprehend the strategies employed by medical professionals in adapting to the changing circumstances resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The study identified several prominent themes, such as the adjustment to novel protocols, the consequences of increased stress and burnout, and the changing dynamics of collaboration and patient care. Responses from participants indicated notable shifts in their work environment, such as heightened utilization of technology and adjustments in patient contacts. In addition, the study emphasized the medical staff’s resilience and adaptation, as well as the need of supporting leadership and mental health resources. The findings provide critical insights into the difficulties and adaptations encountered by healthcare professionals in the period after the pandemic and provide suggestions for enhancing support systems and operational tactics in healthcare environments. Overall, the study enhances our knowledge of the continuing impact of the pandemic on healthcare professionals and guides future policies and practices to more effectively assist medical personnel in comparable situations.

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