Neem-natural contraceptive for male and female-an overview

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Review Paper 01/08/2011
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Neem-natural contraceptive for male and female-an overview

Jyotsna A Saonere Suryawanshi
Int. J. Biomol. & Biomed.1( 2), 1-6, August 2011.
Certificate: IJBB 2011 [Generate Certificate]


Neem has been used traditionally as a medicine for various ailments. It has been reported to possess wound healing, antiviral, antiarthritic, anti-hyper glycemic and anti-inflammatory properties and also help in curing skin diseases. A novel use of neem (Azadirachta indica) oil, Neem leaf extracts a traditional plant product, for long-term and reversible blocking of fertility after a single intrauterine application is described. Deshpande et al.(1980 ) have studied the anti-fertility activity.neem leaves have shown reversible male anti-fertility activity. A viginal contraceptive has also been developed from NIM-76.It is found that 3mg of neem leaf extract immobilize and kill 100% of spermatozoa within 20 seconds. The block in fertility was, however, reversible as half of the animals regained fertility and delivered normal litters by five months after treatment, without any apparent teratogenic effects. Neem oil appears to be a safe and very effective contraceptive, pre and post coital (before and after sex). The way it was applied in the studies it was 100% effective in preventing pregnancies. During in vitro experiments, neem oil also totally immobilized sperm cells within 20 to 30 seconds of being in contact with neem oil. But as we know now, this didn’t spread around the world as predicted. Population is the main problem worldwide today it is necessary to control it on time. To increase the use of neem as contraceptive this review entitled the detail study of ant fertility activity of neem which is safe and effective without producing any side effect as compared to the other available contraceptive in the market.

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