Negative health indices indicated by neonatal hematology of cesarean section deliveries in rural India: A concern

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Research Paper 01/08/2017
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Negative health indices indicated by neonatal hematology of cesarean section deliveries in rural India: A concern

Sapna Negi, Sujata Dixit, Ardhendu Bhusan Praharaj
Int. J. Biosci.11( 2), 157-162, August 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Increase in Caesarean Section deliveries in rural India has been observed in last couple of years. The study was carried out to see effect of Vaginal Delivery (VD) and Caesarean Section (CS) delivery on haematology of neonates born in rural India. The newborns were categorized into two groups, Group I included those delivered by vaginal delivery and Group II by caesarean section. From each newborn venous cord blood was collected and used for hematological analysis. Newborn having abnormal haemoglobin were exclude from this study. It was found that neonates delivered by CS have an overall low blood cell counts and therefore, may be more prone to infections. Mean WBC, LYM, RBC, MCV, HCT, Hb, MPV, PDW, and Hb F was noticeably higher among the neonates delivered by vaginal delivery as compared to caesarean section deliveries. As the neonate from rural India are exposed to infections prevalent in rural regions, an overall reduction in blood cell counts in caesarean delivered neonates makes them more vulnerable to these infections. Therefore, un-necessary CS deliveries should be avoided specifically in the regions from rural India where mortality due to infections in high.


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