New record of the Epaulet Skimmer: Orthetrum chrysostigma (Burmeister) (Odonata:Libellulidae) from Iraq

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New record of the Epaulet Skimmer: Orthetrum chrysostigma (Burmeister) (Odonata:Libellulidae) from Iraq

Razzaq Shalan Augul, Asmaa Hasan Al-Hashmi, H.H. Al-Saffar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.8( 5), 233-238, May 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


In this study, the Epaulet Skimmer Orthetrum chrysostigma (Burmeister, 1839) belonging to the family of Libellulidae (Order: Odonata) is described as a first time to fauna of Iraq; the specimens were collected from Maysan province, south of Iraq, is described as a first time to fauna. The diagnostic characters and main morphological features were figured.


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