Nitrate accumulation in the winter and summer vegetables grown in the Punjab (Pakistan)

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Research Paper 01/02/2020
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Nitrate accumulation in the winter and summer vegetables grown in the Punjab (Pakistan)

Muhammad Mubashir, Niaz Ahmed, Ashfaq Ahmad Rahi, Sadiq Muhammad, Hafiz Saeed-ur-Rehman, Ghulam Murtaza Khan, Khurram Shehzad Baig, Muhammad Akram, Munawar Mehdi
Int. J. Biosci.16( 2), 80-88, February 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Vegetables occupy a pivotal place in the human diet, but unfortunately these contribute maximally to nitrate accumulation and pose serious health hazards. Nitrite and nitroso compounds which form when nitrite binds to other substances before or after ingestion e.g. the amines derived from proteins are toxic and can lead to severe pathologies in humans.  Thus, the assessment of the health risk of nitrate to humans should encompass the toxicity of both nitrite and nitroso compounds. That’s why a comprehensive study was carried out to determine the nitrate accumulation in winter and summer vegetables throughout the Punjab province of Pakistan. The winter vegetables accumulated more NO3 content than summer vegetables. On the other hand leafy vegetables accumulated more nitrates than others. Among the winter vegetables radish and hybrid spinach remained at the top regarding NO3 accumulation. Whereas among the summer vegetables i.e. brinjal and squish secured the highest position in this regard. The factors affecting the nitrate content viz season (winter and summer), growing intensity of agriculture fertilizer use and soil texture were also studied.


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