Nonparametric methods for interpreting genotype×environment interaction in bread wheat genotypes

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Nonparametric methods for interpreting genotype×environment interaction in bread wheat genotypes

Ezatollah Farshadfar, Nasrin Mahmudi, Azadahe Sheibanirad
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 3), 55-62, March 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


In order to investigate phenotypic stability of bread wheat genotypes using non-parametric stability statistics an experiment was conducted in Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran for three years under two environments (rainfed and irrigated conditions). Parametric and non-parametric combined analysis of variance exhibited significant genotype × environment interaction, therefore it was possible to calculate phenotypic stability of genotypes. Non-parameric stability statistics Si (1), Si (2) and Si (3) introduced G2 as the most stable genotype. According to NPi (1), NPi (2), NPi (3) and NPi(4) genotype G12 was identified as the most stable. The rank sum (RS) of all the genotypes investigated distinguished genotypes no. 12 as the most stable genotype with high grain yield, hence it can be used for improvement of adaptation in wheat.


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